Purpose of this Blog

This blog is a place for us to share our thoughts with others as well as a place for us to visit and remember. Our other blogs describe our comings and goings, events and work but here is a place to know us and see our thoughts. They will not always be profound, deep, or even serious but they will always be true to our hearts. I hope looking at our journey will bless you along yours...

Friday, February 14, 2014

What is "Luxury"?

I knew I lived in luxury when I lived in the States because I own three cars and a trailer, I have more than one bathroom, and a gourmet kitchen with 7 bedrooms in my house.  In Nicaragua, luxury to me became a My own kitchen, fridge that worked without being shut with a chair, hot water, any car (all things I didn't have).  Here in Guatemala, luxury has become running water without turning on a light switch, a heater, a washer (or dryer) (All things we don’t have here).  To many locals living here and in Nicaragua luxury to them may be a cement floor, windows with glass and refrigeration (all things I still have, but what I’ve seen missing around me).  Luxury itself isn’t evil, but it is relative to what you have or don’t have.  What’s important is to remember whatever you have may be luxury to someone else.  We’re giving thanks for the luxuries in our life today! 


Friday, January 31, 2014

God's way or my way in God's name...

Do we really want to do God's will or have we figured out the best way we want to serve God and are trying to make that happen? That question is at the heart of our trip here in Central America. God speaks to us through his scripture and our circumstances. Am I paying attention to what He is telling me? Like Samuel, in the midst of confusing circumstances am I saying, "Speak Lord, your servant is listening" or am I looking at my circumstances and planning my way to the destination of my choice based on weighing my talents, money, friends and family. Am I truly following in abandon for the sake of his purposes or am I guarding what I consider to be mine and seeking what I think would be best?

In the midst of my circumstances I will take the time to stop and say, "Speak Lord, Your servant is listening..."

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Looking for God or comfort...

Central America is not short on inconveniences, discomfort and difficulties. How those affect my prayer life reveal my understanding of growth. The book of James teaches us to consider it pure joy when we face trials. From where I stand on my faith journey, trials are far from a joyful thing. I frequently find myself trying to mitigate them or plan them away. Some I pay extra money to remove and when all the above doesn't work I try to pray them away missing the gifts they bring with them.

I find myself praying for God's blessings when really I am praying for my comfort. These "blessings" are frequently the things that get me to NOT pay attention to God. When I am comfortable my dependence upon him is diminished. It is my need that draws me to him. It is the trials and the struggle that bring growth. Ps 13 teaches us to pray for God's empowering to grow through not the removal of difficulties.

Do I want a trouble free life or do I want to be like Christ...I cannot have it both ways.