Purpose of this Blog

This blog is a place for us to share our thoughts with others as well as a place for us to visit and remember. Our other blogs describe our comings and goings, events and work but here is a place to know us and see our thoughts. They will not always be profound, deep, or even serious but they will always be true to our hearts. I hope looking at our journey will bless you along yours...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ps 13...from "How long" to "Resolve"

We are going through a Ps 13 time. Last week Heather and I read Ps 13 and I memorized it. Two days ago I preached on it. Today I am still trying to live it.

The cliffnotes on Ps 13 is that David is having a private conversation with God because he is going through a hard time and feels like God is not showing up like he should. God is not meeting Davids expectations.

When God doesn't meet our idea of who we think he should be how do we continue in a life of faith?

Ps 13 has 3 stanzas that show us 3 stages David moves through. First when God doesn't meet his expectations he comes to the fork in the road of DOUBT. At this point we can abandon God to our own strength thinking that if God won't take care of it, I will. OR we can present our doubts to God and be real and raw with him.

After we present our doubts to God We cry out to him with our request and come to the second fork of DESPAIR. At this point we can abandon God to our own strength because we rely on God only for what he can do for us. We ask God to make things easy and trust what he can do rather than who he is. OR we can seek God himself as our only desire. David only asked for restored fellowship with God to give light to his eyes - restore his vitality and give him strength to endure. He didn't ask God to take it all away and make it easy. He only asked that he could go through it with God and in His strength.

After We present our doubts to God and in Despair sought the person of God We come to the place of DAVID - RESOLVE. The key to David's resolve was REMEMBRANCE. He focused on who God has been in the past to continue in resolve for the future.

We were hoping to go to Jordan, which fell through. The opportunity in Costa Rica may also be falling through. We then were hoping to get part-time contract work in Reno and focus on helping a local ministry. The contract work fell through.

I find myself asking the same question in Ps 13:1 "HOW LONG?" which more appropriately is like the kid in the back seat asking "how much longer?" The kid doesn't really want to know the time of how much longer but rather they are saying, "Why can't we be there yet because I really don't want to ride any more!"

Heather and I are tired of the ride. We ask God to have us pursue what He has planned for us and not toward any more closed doors. We can hold on to resolve by remembering. We don't even have to just remember how God has been good to us. I remember how God has been good to the Demeulenaere family in hard times. I remember how God was good to my grandfather. I even remember how God was good to the enslaved Israelites in Egypt. All these things can serve as landmarks of remembrance for me. I still daily struggle to have as my sole request, "God I only need fellowship with you and all the rest will fall in place." I still feel the tugs toward an easy/ trouble free life. Unfortunately God still has us on the path of Abraham, "Get up and go to the land that I show you..." Pray for us to have the resolve to follow God in continued fellowship.

Father keep us safe, keep our faith and fellowship with you safe as we follow you to wherever it is that we are going.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thank you for sharing your heart. It's so difficult to separate out our desires - usually temporary - from the basic need to seek after fellowship with God. I have found myself, as we have faced struggles with our support-raising efforts (the most challenging period of time in my entire life so far), to lose sight of my need to be in community with God. It is satan's little trick to deceive us into thinking is spiritual "tunnel vision", where we forget the relationship for the sake of the task.
I also appreciate the reminder of David, the person described as truly seeking God's heart. I pray that I would be shown to be someone like that - to be so devoted to it that it would be clearly noticeable to those around me. Please know that we are praying for you. God has used you so much, and we rest in trusting that He is not through with you yet. May you abide in Him, even when the most difficult and challenging times come.

Duane S.