Purpose of this Blog

This blog is a place for us to share our thoughts with others as well as a place for us to visit and remember. Our other blogs describe our comings and goings, events and work but here is a place to know us and see our thoughts. They will not always be profound, deep, or even serious but they will always be true to our hearts. I hope looking at our journey will bless you along yours...

Monday, December 04, 2006


I have always been amazed at the greatness and sovereignty of God. He has been a very real and present help during the last couple months of crazy schedules. In the Bible study I am leading with the interns here we are reading through the whole Bible in 7 weeks. The consistant theme I have been seeing is the extent of God's love and sovereignty. He accomplishes all things with purpose and reason with the end always being so "they will know that I am the LORD". That they will understand the extent of his love, mercy...

Obedience becomes easier when I maintain a view of the shortness of this life, the sovereignty of God, and his enduring love for me and my family. This mindset brings me great peace and rest because I know that I cannot ruin God's plans. During this Christmas season the birth of Christ takes on a fresh meaning as I futher explore and understand this pivotal moment in God's design for time and how it reveals and fulfills what God has been trying to say to his people all along.


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