Purpose of this Blog

This blog is a place for us to share our thoughts with others as well as a place for us to visit and remember. Our other blogs describe our comings and goings, events and work but here is a place to know us and see our thoughts. They will not always be profound, deep, or even serious but they will always be true to our hearts. I hope looking at our journey will bless you along yours...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Peace on earth...

This past Sunday our family lit the church's advent candle of Peace.

Two things usually come to mind when I think of "peace" either the absence of war between two nations or people, or the idea of personal inner quietness. Many, Christian or not, repeat the angel's proclamation, "Peace on earth" but what was the intent of the herald angel? and why would they rejoice in it?

In Matthew ch10, Jesus says, "Don't suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth." Most people wish for "world peace" at Christmas time as the interpretation of a hopeful "peace on earth" but peace between men is not what God has in mind. It is not even inner peace in the individual. This is a proclamation of the offering of peace between men and God. 

It would be amazing to find peace between Israel and Palistine but how much more amazing to have peace between God and men? This is why the angel's reacted the way they did. It was the expression of God's grace, a revelation of who he is.

Paul calls us to have inner peace but we can only have that peace because it is based on the peace we have with God. The biblical concept of peace (eirene) is not just limited to absence of war but the root of the word comes from the verb to join (eiro).

This season we can celebrate because the Prince of Peace was given to Join us to our creator in the greatest act of grace and mercy ever displayed, giving us the undeserved gift of reconciliation and it is because of this that we can have inner peace as well.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

"CHANGE" the buzz word of today....

Making a "difference", "changing lives" or "change" seems to be the mantra of today be it a presidential campaign or auto insurance. Most of the vision or purpose statements of today's trendiest churches include this cryptic statement of modern culture. I am puzzled how "different" equals better or if it is implied without sounding arrogant. It is the continuation of "the grass is always greener..." feeding on man's need for the new(his subconscious pursuit of God). I know the intentions are "changing" for the better, to try a different strategy on life but it begs the question "why?" Most people want a "better" life meaning comfort and ease rather than forgiveness. I fear that today's culture will not accept the evangelical church to continue to say that the only way to God is through Christ. This "elitist" attitude smells of arrogance to the public, so "change" is more palatable because it doesn't necessarily mean superior just different.

Theologically speaking "change" in and of itself is neutral. It can lead to both the bad and the good. I understand the intent is a change for the better but that brings up all kinds of baggage in the subjective term "better". Trusting Christ will not make life easier, happier or more fun; but rather the opposite.

I am not saying that "change" is bad, but a difference for the sake of difference or in the pursuit of comfort and self gratification is not beneficial. "Making a difference in the world" or "leaving my mark" seems to be more about me and less about God. Maybe I am making much of nothing, but I was just puzzled by our fascination with "change" these days rather than "hope, trust, faith, forgiveness and justification" Becoming a "new creation" is much more than just a "changed" life, it is a metamorphosis. Many things "change" people's lives each day be it blessing or tragedy, but it is only God who can make me a "new creation".

That brings up our incessant use of superlatives and overstatements (I love ice cream, Awesome, thank you SO much...) but that is another conversation on its own =D